Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Boo hoo, my band sucks..."

So I caught some of that Anvil documentary that has been hyped up all to hell on VH1 Classic. I probably watched about 20 minutes of it and the whole time that Lips clown and the halariously named Robb Reiner cried, bitched, and cried some more about how thier mediocre band never made it. Have you actually listened to the album Metal On Metal? The vocals suck...horribly. Sub par, mediocre, garbage. The end. You clowns suck. Stop crying, I hope you're happy, VH1 Classic hyped the fucking shit out of you hacks, so people will buy your shit now.

Why couldn't they do that for a band that deserves it like Bobby Liebling's Pentagram? Which has been alive in one form or another for nearly FORTY years. If you listen to the First Daze Here compilation made up of early 1970s Pentagram material you will hear songs that are just as good as any Blue Oyster Cult or Kiss song that was on the radio around the same time. Oh well, rant over.

1 comment:

  1. Fuckin bang on, if your band sucks it sucks, no documentary is going to change that. Oh wait.......

    It's just typical of the media picking up on a sob story.
