I drive out demons. Can I hear an amen? Now say my name. Lay hands on screaming heathens and do it all again.
Friday, September 25, 2009
One things for certain, Willie Nelson only smokes killer weed...
Slow Hole To China is made up from a few different sessions that never really went anywhere, but it's really just as good as any of Clutch's other material. This is the 2009 special edition with a few extra tracks including King Of Arizona and Hale Bop Blues.
I realize there are 9524354352435435 music blogs already in existence on Blogger. It's all been done before, but this one is mine. I'm basically going to post music I like and maybe a few odd ramblings/videos I think are cool. Most of the stuff I post will probably fall under the umbrella of hard rock/metal and most of it's sub genres. But you never know. It's only fair to say if you like an album then buy it. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, or align it. Let it ride my friends...
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